Turkey 2003 
Pixaco - Digital photos from £0.07
Jan and Jamie shortly after we took off.
Jan and Jamie shortly after we took off.
Viewed: 3189 times.

This is a composite shot from the balcony on the night we arrived. It doesn't really convey the fantastic spread of lights.Click again for the full size version.
This is a composite shot from the balcony on the night we arrived. It doesn't really convey the fantastic spread of lights.
Click again for the full size version.
Viewed: 2651 times.

This is a composite shot from the balcony the first morning.
Click again for the full size version.
This is a composite shot from the balcony the first morning.

Click again for the full size version.
Viewed: 2714 times.

Highlight for Album: Tuesday 12th August
Album: Tuesday 12th August
Last change: 08/31/03
Contains: 8 items.
Viewed: 5337 times.

Highlight for Album: Wednesday 13th August
Album: Wednesday 13th August
Last change: 08/31/03
Contains: 33 items.
Viewed: 10529 times.

Highlight for Album: Thursday 14th August
Album: Thursday 14th August
Last change: 08/31/03
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 5681 times.

Highlight for Album: Friday 15th August
Album: Friday 15th August
Last change: 08/31/03
Contains: 34 items.
Viewed: 10458 times.

Highlight for Album: Saturday 16th August
Album: Saturday 16th August
Last change: 08/31/03
Contains: 19 items.
Viewed: 7978 times.

Highlight for Album: Sunday 17th August
Album: Sunday 17th August
Last change: 08/31/03
Contains: 35 items.
Viewed: 10306 times.

Highlight for Album: Monday 18th August
Album: Monday 18th August
Last change: 08/31/03
Contains: 29 items.
Viewed: 9748 times.

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