Lali Puna ‘Faking the Books’

Fan-vid, but still an amazing song.

March 1st, 2009 at 12:00 pm • Add Comment • Filed in Culture

Fianna Fáil Ard-Fheis liveblogged

Check out the liveblogging of the Fianna Fáil Ard-Fheis over at Contributers are from all over - the liveblog site, Twitter, journos, bloggers following the live streams and embedded blogger, Suzy Byrne.

February 28th, 2009 at 4:21 pm • Add Comment • Filed in Blogging

Off out

i caved in.  first time in over a month
Photo owned by philcampbell (cc)

I have serious things to mull on. Finding some things unhealthy and best to disconnect from here for a bit.

Edit: I will continue to build out the Twitter Index and maybe make it something more tangible.

February 24th, 2009 at 5:03 pm • 4 Comments • Filed in Blogging

Hearting Bobby Tables

xkcd print goodness

Loving this. Thanks.

February 23rd, 2009 at 5:30 pm • 3 Comments • Filed in Life

A little tired, so…

The Boy Least Likely To ‘Be Gentle With Me’

February 23rd, 2009 at 3:09 pm • Add Comment • Filed in Blogging

Irish Blog Award 2009

What a great night at the Irish Blog Awards 2009. The Cork International Airport Hotel were fine hosts, so very accommodating to us. Glad to see some of my favourite bloggers recognised and happy to meet people I don’t normally meet in the course of the year. Looking forward to IBA10, it will surpass this year I’m sure. Just a few photos.

February 23rd, 2009 at 10:48 am • 3 Comments • Filed in Blogging, Photos

Happy Blog Awards Day

Have a great evening at tonight’s Blog Awards, all. Enjoy them! Last of the blots.

February 21st, 2009 at 10:58 am • Add Comment • Filed in Blogging

Making more Blog Awards Blots

Going to make a few more of those blot badges. Got a snappy suggestion?

February 18th, 2009 at 11:37 am • 2 Comments • Filed in Blogging, Geekery

Unofficial Blog Awards Blots

Been playing with the Blog Awards blot and here’s what I have so far. It started with an icon for Irish Blog Week, then badges for shortlistees nada nada and then words that came to mind on bloggers. Add a pinch of salt, please. More to come, methinks.


February 17th, 2009 at 1:14 am • 10 Comments • Filed in Blogging, Design

Irish Twitter Index

So last year, after seeing the Twitter Brand Index, I began to build out a list of Twitter companies and people  - the Irish Twitter  Index. Kind of like a Curiosity Shop, a place where you could find lots of different people and companies to follow.

I finally decided to publish the page after seeing Emily’s post on Irish media people that Twitter. I find it interesting and entirely fascinating that we’ve both come up with lists of media folk that twitter, with only a little overlap. Damien also has a very nice list of Irish companies on Twitter.

I expect the page to morph and change. For old names to pop off and new ones to arrive. If you want to suggest an add, drop me a mail and I’ll take a look.

The Irish Twitter Index is easily accessible to the right of my Zombieroll under Pages.

Oh, yes and this is all just a smokescreen. I’m just linkwhoring for Blog Awards votes. :)

February 16th, 2009 at 10:42 pm • Add Comment • Filed in Business, Geekery

Red Links 16/02/09

Irish Blog Week is here!

Tomorrow night’s Blogger Book Event has been moved from the Irish Writer’s Centre to the Teacher’s Club on Parnell St.

What’s up with ugly people breeding?

Harry’s wondering what’s in Twitter for political journalists.

Interesting Sounds. Yes, please.

Maturation of tools means tracking is more difficult?

The Consumerist breaks down Facebook’s new Terms of Service. Yes, they now claim the right to do whatever they want with all archived content you have put up there for ever and day, even if you delete your account.

The Scientific American is looking for nominations on your favourite scientist.

Name My Design Company Machine.

The E8 digital clock. It reads like it’s represented. Look, it’s 13:11…

Paper cuts by Hina Aoyama. Amazing paper filigree work.

Iron and Wine ‘Naked As We Came’

February 16th, 2009 at 2:46 pm • 1 Comment • Filed in Red Links

Randall Munroe’s talk at Skycon

Qiks of Randall Munroe’s keynote at today’s Skycon conference held in UL.

Randall’s generations of mutated robots 1.

Mutated robots 2.

On the difficulty of having a date that knows more about him because of xkcd. Power of the Internet.

Randall drawing a version of the Skycon shark. Sticktastic.

February 14th, 2009 at 8:03 pm • Add Comment • Filed in Geekery

Kindle-y backwards?

Anyone else find the sideview comparison of the Kindle 2 v pencil in the press frenzy mildly ironic? Kindle 2 takes outmoded physical writing apparatus? Er, FAIL.

How did Apple win on the MacBook Air envelope contrast? Context. Amazon, the cluetrain is here.

Still need to be convinced on e-reader devices. Limited titles and the loss of sensual engagement are big downers. There’s nothing like the smell of books. That and the “shake me it’s fucking shocking” price of $360 a unit. $360 for something that looks like a Milky Baresque calculator on Miracle Gro? Aside from that, I’d love to try one.

February 10th, 2009 at 7:11 am • 5 Comments • Filed in Brainstrobing, Geekery

There’s water left for splashing and light at the end of the tunnel?

Lightburst on Iron

you really love your youtube vids, don’t you?

Sometimes creativity is stuck fast to apathy like skin taunt over bone.The way I work though periods like this, is simply run through pages and pages of streams of consciousness. A seemingly endless scratchpad of braindumps.

On a long journey recently, I spilled over ten pages of bit-sized fanciful fleets. Worked through three ideas I had for novels. Wrote lots of emo shit fit for the bin. Shook some sense into mangled post kernels. I have many documents clogging up my Desktop. Possibly just about 2.9 great ideas, but I’m writing. Yes, I love Youtube but given the choice the hula dance of the alphabet has my heart.

So, excuse my video crutches. Back to wordy posts. Soon. Just let me line up my dominos.

February 10th, 2009 at 12:00 am • 2 Comments • Filed in Blogging, Life

Taking up the rear

Joining Tommy on the no choc march to 2010. Yeah, this be a late breaking resolution. Wanna join in?

February 8th, 2009 at 11:16 pm • Add Comment • Filed in Life

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