Poſted on the 2nd of February, 2009

Special Event Tonight in Salem, Mass.

The Markup & Style Society has been reſſurected, dear friendſ! Welcome to our brand spanking new Tumblr site, expertly crafted by the talented Meagan Fisher. You’ll also notice a new, streamlined logo mark by Dan and new logotype by Ethan. “Huzzah” to redesigns in 2009, we say.

More importantly though, is tonight’s epic gathering in historic Salem, Massachusetts. We’ve teamed up with Salem’s Build Guild to welcome special guest, Eric Meyer to the North Shore (who is in the area on special, secret assignment). 

Please join us at Spirits in Salem at 6:30pm. Free appetizers and drinks courtesy of BuySellAds, SimpleBits, Booyant and iMarc.

And stay tuned for more M&SS goings-on in the near future.

Poſted on the 31st of January, 2009

New Internet Web Page Coming Soon

Hello fellow markupsmiths and stylecrafters! Just posting a quick note to let you know that despite murmurings to the contrary, our founding fathers are not letting the society fall by the wayside. These past few months have been a flurry of speaking and coding and baby rearing and wedding planning, but the society has not been forgotten. I’m in the process of building us a new little internet home, one which will allow for:

  • more frequent updates on the society status
  • a feed for fellow members to subscribe to said updates

I’m toiling away at forming markup and styles worthy of you good people, and perhaps one day the design will be finished. As the great French novelist Alexander Dumas once said:

All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope. - Alexander Dumas

In the meantime, here is a poster from an awesome looking movie.

Sh! The Octopus