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In one sentence friend let me know his anti-tina, but pro cl partying stance.
Quoted in article re: VN food in SJ Mercury: - all I got was *SF Resident*: others mentioned got real professions.
Would love to connect w/ designers, labels, stores, + press attending Magic/Pool/Project/Slate in Vegas this Feb. Please @mai. Thanks!
re: alexa rankings for press accreditation. i'm pretty sure the fact that fashionist doesn't show up on the graph won't be in my favor.
Just saw Mike Leigh's very good Happy-Go-Lucky. Main character reminds me of quite a few of my friends.
Chúc Mừng Nam Mới! Especially to all my fellow oxen! (including Obama!)
awed by co-workers, screaming "i'm not worthy" in the middle of meetings draws too much attention, so i say it with my "inside voice."
@juliwood totally saw lebron! he was sitting across from me (next to my friend) and was on the phone the whole time.
Apparently the very tall good looking guys sitting next to us are the Cleveland Cavaliers, in town to play the Warriors.
Just learnt that @missionmission is the "Ed Jew of blogging" - @eveb.
after ice cream w/@lulu, went to yamo on remembered rec from @houze. feeling pleased about the consumed curry fish.
Excited that @lulu 's YIPR has hit the email waves! Hoping @buzz contributes this year.
think i ate 3 bacon marshmallows too many.
days are always great when i start with a swim and work in taking fashionist photos.
At Midnite for Maniacs, just watched Watcher in the Woods. Hoping I can make it through Stand By Me.
was just asked if i'd like to go count homeless people. my response: "maybe." if interested email: [email protected]
Fun lunch at Big.Mouth Burger with @buzz. Food coma setting in now.
hi san francisco - you look very pretty today.
Thank you for the wishes re: my dad.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Livia Philip Kaplan Steve Jenson Stacy Jenson, dammit Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Eric Case Chris Baum Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Ozlem Lane Collins Grant Shellen Kevin Fox dan lowrie Erika Hall Aubrey Sabala David Lu Shara Cameron Walters lane becker Sarah Hatter george Stewart Butterfield Caterina Courtney P Thor Muller