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I'm surprised more people don't follow @secrettweet. Maybe fascination with other's dark secrets isn't as widespread as I thought.
I've had the theme from Facts of Life stuck in my head for three days. What does it mean?
Good list of journalists and media on on Twitter: http://mediaontwitter.pbwik... (via @tweetreport via @touchbase)
Excited Picassa for Mac is out:
@rafik No, we're not censoring. Why do you ask?
Mood at Twitter HQ the first work day of the year: Focused anxiety.
Excited to get back to work. But first: Back to the gym.
Finishing up one of @sara's Christmas presents (finally)
The team is working right now on iphone DM issue. Oy!
I'm following them to see how they're using Twitter. Chill.
Adding @ajgaza to your timeline really adds some soberness and perspective (don't know if that's a reccomendation or not)
Stripping the Christmas tree
@ianmcall agreed. it's on the list. thx.
@senia search is coming. thx.
@crispydragon Try using the "forgot password" link. We reset pw's on affected accounts.
@raanan fixed tomorrow
@fossiloflife I don't think that's happening on our end. Did you possibly enable some third-party service that does that?
SF: Where can one buy a decent bottle of wine (to go) in the Mission area at this time of night?
This is the first time in a long while I've hung out in sweatpants all day, unshowered -- and socialized.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Jeremy Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Dom Sagolla Tim Roberts meredith Hook sara Sarah Milstein Dan Greg Kidd Livia Dunstan Shannon Krissy Bush al Alissa Philip Kaplan ilona Steve Jenson Dave Marc Hedlund Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell mai Josh Kopelman Ted Wang Chris Fralic Kevin S. Eric Case veen
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