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Let's Face It USA is a nonprofit network that links people with facial disfigurement and all who care for them to resources that can enrich their lives.


  • News and Updates - This page contains information on upcoming conferences, recent updates, the newest resources added to our site, and address changes. Please check back often!.
  • Resources for Various Conditions - This page contains information and support resources for the many aspects of facial disfigurement. There is also a special section specifically for siblings and fathers.
  • Resources for Specific Conditions - This page contains organizations and information and support resources grouped by conditions (i.e., cleft palate, crouzon syndrome, moebius syndrome, cancer, etc.).
  • Parent and Educator Resources - This page contains a wealth of information for parents and educators. There are special sections dedicated to building self-esteem, resources for teenagers, hospital stays, teaching about difference, etc.
    • Books, Videos, Newsletters, Etc.
    • Building Self-Esteem
    • Teen-Specific Resources
    • Hospital/Doctor Visits
    • Understanding and Combating Teasing
    • Entertainers Who Inspire and Enrich
  • Facial Surgery and Recovery Resources - This page contains support and information resources for pain control, eating, prosthetics, and legal resources.

Send Us A Note

To send us a note with your questions or comments
via e-mail, simply click on the link below:

Let's Face It publishes the Resource List bi-yearly.

For your free copy of the 2003-2005 edition, please send a 9"x12" self-addressed envelope and a note telling us about yourself to the following address:

Let's Face It
P.O. Box 29972
Bellingham, WA 98228-1972

Because of several very generous donors, we can ship bulk orders via UPS free to you. We can send your institution as many copies as you would like.

To support a person with facial difference, look them in the eyes and smile at them.