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Seeking Justice

Since the Center was founded in 1971, its legal department has filed cases that changed the social landscape, set legal precedent, and resulted in landmark rulings.

Early victories included desegregating the Montgomery YMCA, ending involuntary sterilization of women on welfare, and transforming the Alabama State Troopers from an all-white organization to a racially diverse police force.

Innovative trial strategies to shut down white supremacist organizations and combat injustice are part of the Center's ongoing legacy. Notorious hate groups, such as the Aryan Nations, have been toppled by remarkable monetary damages won by the Center. The American Bar Association, the ACLU, Common Cause, and the National Bar Association are just a sample of the organizations that have lauded the Center's legal efforts.

As part of its legal agenda, the Center continues to combat the forces of extremism while working to protect the powerless in our society.

But this work is clearly far from over. In the words of co-founder and chief trial counsel Morris Dees, "As long as injustice and intolerance continue to exist, Center lawyers will be in the courtroom, fighting for those who need assistance."

Macedonia v. Christian Knights of the Ku Klux Klan
Church Burning Case
Date Filed: 06/07/1996
Status: Closed
After racist warnings were tacked to the door of the Macedonia Baptist Church in 1995, members of the Christian Knights of the KKK set a fire completely destroying the 100-year-old building. The Center sued the Klan on the church's behalf, winning the largest judgment ever awarded against a hate group.

Amended Complaint
» Second amended complaint 12-29-97

» Judgment and verdict form 7-24-98
Attorney honored for justice work

Bryan Stevenson of the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) of Alabama has been honored for his commitment to equality by the National Lawyers Guild. The Center supports EJI with a yearly grant.

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