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"Although the world
is full of suffering...
it is also full of
overcoming it."
-- Helen Keller

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Self-Help Group Sourcebook OnLine
Sponsored By CenterSite, LLC

Updated October, 2004
Compiled & edited by Barbara J. White and Edward J. Madara
Web version updated by Patricia Keeler and Adrienne Rothblatt

This guide has been developed to act as your starting point for exploring real-life support groups and networks that are available throughout the world and in your community. The self-help groups, contained in the database that you can access by keyword in the box at the bottom, can help you find and/or start a support group in your community. Local self-help group clearinghouses can also often help you find or form a group. (For other online support groups and resources, please consult the annotated Directory of Online Resources available at

  • Toll-Free Phone Numbers
    Nationwide listing of toll-free numbers for additional information on problems ranging from adoption and disabilities to taxes and missing children

Searching The Sourcebook:

To find self-help organizations and groups, enter a keyword or phrase for a particular type of problem. For instance, if you're interested in finding support organizations for depression or alcoholism simply enter either word.

If you don't find what you are searching for using whole words, try searching with word fragments (e.g., "depres", or "alc"). A word fragment search should return more groups than a whole word search (although some of the groups returned may be less directly relevant to what you are searching for).

Alternatively, select a problem area from the sample list of topics below:

Note: A selection in the drop-down box will override any content in the free-form text entry box above.

Copyright © American Self-Help Clearinghouse, 1993-2004
Published by Mental Help Net, a service of CenterSite, LLC