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To facilitate peer support and education for individuals with chronic pain and their families so that these individuals may live more fully in spite of their pain.
To raise awareness among the health care community, policy makers, and the public at large about issues of living with chronic pain.

Offering support and information for people with chronic pain.


October 2004
Neuropathic Pain Impacts Over 15 Million People in Europe and the U.S. Alone
ACPA Reaches Out to Youngsters with Pain
August 2004
Painful Childhood Motivates Teen to begin "Growing Pains."
Medtronic Receives Dept. of Health and Human Services Award,
October 2004
Citing its commitment to the comprehensive and long-term employment of persons with disabilities, the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services today gave Medtronic, Inc. (NYSE: MDT) its highest award, the Secretary Recognition Award.
Kids and Headaches
October 2004
Many young students suffer from migraine headaches. The American Council for Headache Education has a new web site that alerts adults to warning signs and ways to help.

Healthy Women Take 10 E-Newsletter Offers Practical Tips and Tools
October 2004
The Department of Homeland Security today announced that it will create a state-of-the-art program to ensure that electronic and information technology is accessible for employees and consumers with disabilities.
Maine, California Declare Pain Awareness Month
July 2004
Partners for Understanding Pain are working to bring the need for sound pain management to the forefront of public awareness via state resolutions and proclamations.
ACPA Quality of Life Scale
June 2004
Chronic pain has an impact on your life as well as your body. The ACPA Quality of Life Scale can help you and your health care team to more accurately evaluate your condition and track your progress over time.

This site is made possible in part due to generous donations from:
Purdue Pharma L.P. and Medtronic

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The ACPA, PO Box 850, Rocklin, CA 95677
Phone: 1-800-533-3231 - Fax: (919) 632-3208 - Email: