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Prepare for Surgery,
Heal Faster

A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques
by Peggy Huddleston

This book and audio-tape will help you:
  • feel calmer before surgery
  • use 23-50% less pain medication
  • recover faster

Peggy Huddleston

in 2 parts:

Part 1 (MP3 10.2MB)

Part 2 (MP3 9.3MB)

"I recommend this to all who require surgery and want to recover faster."

Andrew T. Weil, M.D.
Author, Spontaneous Healing
Director, Program in Integrative Medicine
College of Medicine, University of Arizona

"This book and tape should be in the hands of everyone having surgery."

From the foreword by Christiane Northrup, M.D.
Past President, American Holistic Medical Association
Surgeon and Author, Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom


Book Reviews and Articles About This Program

Using five steps to prepare for surgery, you'll feel profoundly peaceful in the days before your operation. In turn this peace will create the biochemistry of healing and speed your recovery.

Peggy Huddleston is the author of Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster. She is a psychotherapist, conducting research on the benefits of her pre-surgical program at a Harvard Medical School teaching hospital in Boston.

Her clinical work and research focus on the ways positive emotions and the human spirit enhance healing.

She has taught workshops in self-healing to thousands of people in Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Paris and Amsterdam. Her book and tape were recently featured on PBS-TV's Body and Soul.

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster Workshops are offered in hospitals and HMOs by nurses and therapists trained and certified by Peggy Huddleston.

Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster has been selected by:

Book-of-The-Month Club
One Spirit Book Club
Quality Paperback Book Club

Order the Book and the Tape Online Here

Training for Health Care Professionals

Book's Foreword by Christiane Northrup, M.D.

From Chapter 1: Your Role in the Healing Process

How to Lessen the Side Effects of
Chemotherapy and Radiation

You'll Also Learn...

Have a question? Phone us!

Consultation with Peggy Huddleston

Email Peggy Huddleston


About Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster

"This is the best book and tape I have ever seen showing how to prepare for surgery physically, emotionally and spiritually."

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D.
Author, Minding the Body,
Mending the Mind

Co-founder Mind/Body Clinic
Beth Israel Deaconess
Medical Center, Boston

"Experienced surgeons create teams to overcome the obstacles to successful operations. Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster empowers patients to lead the way to recovery by allowing them to take their appropriate place on the surgical team."

Mehmet C. Oz, M.D.
Director, Mechanical Heart Program
Director, Complementary Care Center
Columbia University, College of Physicians & Surgeons

"Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster is a wise guide for anyone having surgery. If you want to reduce the fear of surgery and be an active participant, read this book."

Larry Dossey, M.D.
Author, Healing Words

"Every patient undergoing surgery should prepare for it. They will indeed heal faster with the techniques in this useful book. The attitude of the patient entering surgery is probably as important as the skill of the surgeon."

C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D.
Founder, Shealy Institute for Comprehensive Health Care
Founding President, American Holistic Medical Association
Research & Clinical Professor of Psychology
Forest Institute of Professional Psychology

"If you have to have surgery, Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster shows you how to use five healing steps to make it easier."

Willis Harman, Ph.D.
Former President, Institute of Noetic Sciences

"In easy and comforting language, Huddleston describes the steps a patient and his or her family can take to minimize the fears that emerge during the surgical process and the recovery period that follows."

Caroline Myss, Ph.D.
Author, Creating Health
Anatomy of the Spirit

Book Reviews and Articles About This Program

OR Manager -
"Kaiser hospital offers mind-body workshop for surgical patients"

American Holistic Medical Association -
"If every managed medical director simply mandated that [this book and audio tape]... be given to all patients undergoing surgical procedures, the cost savings could easily add another million to his annual salary with plenty to spare for the HMOs executive team."

Association of Women Surgeons -
"Patients really do use less pain medication and go home sooner."

The Boston Globe -
"A Help for the Healing before Surgery Starts"

Maine Sunday Telegram -
"Patient finds relief in mind over body... before undergoing a mastectomy and breast reconstruction."

Click here to order Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster