Welcome to
Dinner Through a Straw
Products For Those Who Cannot Chew |
DTAS writes, publishes and markets patient education materials and products that enhance methods of eating. Our customers include hospitals, universities, clinics, physicians and individuals. The book establishes positive expectations and addresses limitations. It explains how to create a feeding device. It tells what to have at home following an oral surgery procedure. “Everything you wanted to know and forgot to ask your doctor” is a question and answer section for surgery patients.Both Dinner Through A Straw and Let's Do Lunch (and other meals) have been used with patients having corrections of malocclusions, those requiring jaw realignment, those with scleroderma, cancer, TMJ (Tempomandibular Joint Disorder), AIDS, and any condition that makes chewing impossible or difficult.
Testimonials from physicians, registered dietitians, and registered nurses acknowledge that the more than 150 recipes are high in carbohydrates which expedite healing. Calorie counts and food values are provided by a Certified Dietary Manager. Patients find the recipes to be tasty and satisfying. They can enjoy most of their favorite dishes while on the food program.
The handbooks and eating accessories are welcomed by those who cannot chew, those whose mouths are wired shut, and those who require a liquid diet or soft food diet. The non-chew recipes are readily prepared from standard food items found in most grocery stores and supermarkets.
Our Products
- Dinner Through a Straw
America's favorite handbook for patients of oral surgery and others who cannot chew.
- Let's Do Lunch (and other meals)
Simplified eating device, holds large portions, stands upright, and disposable.
- Soft-Squeeze-Bottle
A new and improved yellow squeeze bottle that is flexible to the touch.
- Zip-N-Squeeze Bags
For simple and easy oral care and eating.
- Our Selection of 4 Kits
4 different types of kits are preassembled and ready to provide complete ease and confidence in caring for dietary and personal needs
- Our Price List
A complete list of our products and prices.
- Order Form
Order Online or Use the printable order form to fax or mail your order in.
Dinner Through a Straw
P.O. Box 332574
Murfreesboro, TN 37133
Fax orders to: 615-494-5329
Toll-Free orders: 1-800-842-3841
E-mail: dinnerthroughastraw@yahoo.com
� Copyright Dinner
Through a Straw, November 1997. All rights reserved.