Now in our nineteenth year of publishing The Special-Needs Collection, we are pleased to
announce nine new titles!

NEW! Just Published August
'04! Teaching Math to People with Down Syndrome and Other Hands-On Learners, Book I
Basic Survival Skills
Teach your child or student with Down syndrome the math skills that will lead to independent living. This proven, hands-on program helps people with Down syndrome, from preschoolers to adults, master basic skills such as calculator use, measurements, time, counting, computation, and more.
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Faces 2005 Wall Calendar
Hand-tinted portraits of
children with Down syndrome will make you smile every
day as you look at this 12-month calendar for 2005.
Published by Ban of Angels Press.


NEW! Just Published October
Incentives for Change
Motivating People with
Autism Spectrum Disorders to Learn and Gain Independence
Follow this book's
expert coverage of motivational methods and teach children and
adults with autism spectrum disorder valuable new skills. From
reinforcements and rewards to token systems and choice, this
book discusses how to use incentives to encourage independence
and self-management skills.
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NEW! Just Published August '04!
I Can, Can You?
This wonderful full-color board book features
adorable babies and toddlers with Down syndrome eating
spaghetti, sharing, playing in the park, and more. Parents and
children will delight in reading this book together!
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NEW! Just Published May '04! New Third Edition!
The New Language of Toys Teaching Communication Skills to Children with Special Needs A Guide for Parents and Teachers
This new edition of the perennial favorite of parents and therapists shows how to use toys to encourage and build communication skills in children with special needs who experience language delays.
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NEW! Just Published August '04!
My Friend
Isabelle TEACHER'S PACKAGE My Friend Isabelle TEACHER'S PACKAGE (including the My
Friend Isabelle children's book and companion Teacher's
Guide) is a great tool for teaching about differences
and promoting tolerance both in and out of the
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Expected November!
The Girls' Guide to AD/HD
Don't Lose this Book!
This refreshingly candid
and funny book for teen girls with AD/HD offers facts, advice, and
encouragement for living life to the fullest with AD/HD.
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Expected November!
Eating Gluten-Free
with Emily
Emily learns that
she has celiac disease and must eat gluten-free foods in order
to feel better. This lighthearted story helps young children
understand what celiac disease is, and empowers them to eat
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Expected January!
The Sibling Slam
What It's Really
Like to Have a Brother or Sister with Special Needs
This unique book
is a collection of unedited comments by teens who have siblings
with special needs. It offers others like them a shared
experience and reassurance; and for outsiders, a rare glimpse
into their innermost thoughts and feelings.
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NEW! Just Published June '04!
Helping Your Teenager Beat Depression A Problem-Solving Approach for Families
This valuable book gives parents an immediate plan of action to help their depressed teen. Based on a proven problem-solving approach, parents learn how to respond to their teenager's negative behavior or attitude. A small commitment of time to the plan yields good results and significantly improves a depressed teen's outlook.
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F all 2004 Catalog
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the book?
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downloadable version of
My Friend Isabelle Teacher's Guide.