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Every year, we bring you meditations, books, pamphlets, and many other resources to aid in the cultivation and deepening of your prayer and spiritual life. Regularly, readers remind us of the great gift it is to receive the love and wisdom of Jesus Christ as found in the words and prayers of our authors and meditation writers. This season, consider sharing that gift with the special people in your life: a parent or sibling, a son or daughter, a grandchild, a friend, a spiritual advisor, a Bible Study group, a neighbor, a coworker, an employee --someone who has touched your life recently or for whom you care a great deal. Remember them, and give them something by which to remember you--a gift from the heart, a gift from Forward Movement...

Forward Day by Day Gift Subscription
Whether it's the regular print, Large print, Spanish edition, or email version, there is a Forward Day by Day perfect for everyone on your holiday shopping list. Don't keep those inspiring and insightful meditations to yourself. Order now to ensure enough time for shipping during the holidays. And be sure to note on your order that it is a gift subscription.

New Titles Gift Subscription
You've got friends and family. We've got books and pamphlets. Why not bring them together with a new titles gift subscription. This subscription provides the best way to share all of our new titles, and at a significant discount. We send out a mailing four times a year (spring, summer, fall, and winter) that includes one copy of each new book, booklet, and pamphlet that Forward Movement has published that quarter. All for only $45.00 a year--and that includes shipping charges.

College Care Package
The ideal gift for the student in your life. College freshmen and graduate students alike will appreciate the opportunity to grow and nurture their prayer life while away from home, and often away from their faith community. Price includes shipping costs. Includes a 1-year subscription to Forward Day by Day, Forward Day by Day: A Journal, Forward Movement Prayers, Magnetic Prayer Poetry, and Praying the Hours.

Calendar of Saints
The latest on the greatest, this handsome book introduces the saints you know and love, and many you might have not yet discovered. A reworking of our previous title Saints Galore, it provides revised and updates sketches of Saints Major and Lesser, as well as a look at Red-Letter days on the Church's liturgical calendar. Consider inspiring those you love with this fun and informative resource for remembering those people and events that have shaped our history and faith.

Can You Find Jesus?
A most delightfully fun Christian children's picture book inspired by the popular "Where's Waldo" series of books. Published by St. Anthony's Press in brilliant and bright colors, each page offers numerous surprises for the careful-eyed child and adult alike. Includes a Parent's Guide, suggesting ways to learn along the way.

Mirrors of God
Six portraits of outstanding women, saints of God in our own time: Dorothy Day, Anne Morrow Lindbergh, Simone Weil, Dorothy L. Sayers, Evelyn Underhill, and Mother Teresa. An inspiring and powerful collection of profiles and reflections that invites us to let the special charisma of each of these women minister to our faith. A great way to remind the women in your life how much they are valued.

Echoes of the Spirit: Women's Prayers and Meditations
An excellent gift for the prayerful women in your life, this booklet brings together prayers, litanies, meditations, and poems written by women and dedicated to the longings, concerns, and spiritual practices all women share.

Forward Day by Day: A Journal
A hardcover blank book, the pages of this journal are lightly ruled for easy writing.

Magnetic Prayer Poetry
With over 230 individual magnetic words perfect for writing prayers or poems, this set is just begging to stick on your refrigerator, file cabinet, and other metal surfaces. Makes a great dorm room gift! Includes a large magnet displaying the Lord's Prayer.

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More than just the days leading up to Christmas, Advent - the beginning of the church year - is intended to be a time of self-examination and reflection, looking toward the Second Coming of Christ.

In keeping with the sentiments of the season, Forward Movement offers a number of valuable resources both for starting off the Church Year, and for remembering those most scared and holy days which compose Advent and then Christmas.

Advent Adventure
by Alison Gibson
Inspiring meditations guide and challenge daily from Advent Sunday through Christmas Day, placing the focus on our Savior's birth. Inviting us into a time of self-examination and reflection, these meditations help us welcome the new Church Year by reminding us of the joy found in the gift of new beginnings. Let the adventure begin! Note: Advent Adventure is also included in the Advent & Christmas Package 2004.

Advent & Christmas Package 2004
For those interested in examining Advent and Christmas from multiple angles, we present this package including the new booklet of meditations, Advent Adventure, as well as such classic Forward Movement pamphlets as The Advent Wreath; Decorating a Christian Christmas Tree; The Enduring Mystery of Christmas; Keeping Advent and Christmas; Make Us New: the Miracle of Christmas; St. Nicholas: Mirror of God's Love; Silent Night; and The Wondrous Gift of Grace. 'Tis the season to explore the deeper meanings of Advent and Christmas, and certainly this package is a helpful place to start.

Week By Week 2005
Start out the new church year in daily prayer with the second installment of our popular book of collects. Week by Week pays homage to The Book of Common Prayer, assigning a collect for each day of the year, starting Sunday, November 28, 2004 - the First Sunday of Advent - and running through a full year to Pentecost 2005. Perfect either for clergy or personal study, Week by Week helps keep the church year in focus, reminding us through prayer how Christ fits into our life every week. A perfect companion to Hour by Hour, and for readers of Forward Day by Day.

Love Came Down
A collection of the best sermons, poems, and hymns from the most gifted Anglican writers of the last six hundred years, brought to us by the Anglican Book Centre in Toronto. There is a thoughtful reading for every day in Advent, and for each of the twelve days of Christmas, in any year.

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On Monday, October 18, 2004, the Lambeth Commission released the long anticipated Windsor Report. This report explores the Anglican Communion's recent disagreements and arguments, and offers recommendations on how, as faithful people bound together in Christ, we are called to react to, respond to, and work to maintain unity, clarity, and a continually deeper understanding of the Gospel. Concerning the Episcopal Church specifically, the report calls for a suspension of the following acts: (1) the election and consent to the episcopate of any clergy living in a same-sex union; (2) the public blessing of same-sex unions; (3) the intervention of bishops into provinces, dioceses and parishes other than their own. Foremost, the report asks that, as Christians, we seek to treat each other with the respect and compassion displayed by Christ, placing prayer and our common commitment to Him above our differences in opinion.

Keeping with our dedication and calling "to reinvigorate the life of the Church by supporting persons in their lives of faith and prayer," Forward Movement offers the following resources--both to assist in your understanding of the issues we presently face, and to aid in your continual personal relationship with God.

Leader Resources, also has a listing of Windsor Report related resources from various sources available on their website at Leader Resources Windsor Report Resources List .

Resources for Contemplation

"That we may evermore dwell in him, and he in us."
Bishops Stacy Sauls of Lexington and Charles Jenkins of Louisiana, representing seemingly opposite perspectives of the faith in regard to human sexuality, present two stunningly similar--and convincing--conclusions about the actions of General Convention 2003 and our obligation as a church to hold fast to our Baptismal promises to God and one another, even when we disagree.

The Homosexuality Debate: Faith Seeking Understanding
A collection of essays from lay and clergy alike (including Archbishop Rowan Williams), exploring how we understand homosexuality, our faith, scripture, and the relationship between the church, our culture, and the world.

Discerning the Word: The Bible and Homosexuality in Anglican Debate

An Honourable Estate: Marriage, Same-Sex Unions, and the Church

Living Together in the Church: Including Our Differences

A Final Report from the International Anglican Conversations on Human Sexuality

Resources for Prayer

Hour by Hour

Forward Day by Day

Week by Week 2005

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This fall, we published a short "mini" catalog to serve as a hold-over of our latest resources until we print a complete catalog during the beginning of 2005. This mini catalog includes our latest books, booklets, and pamphlets, as well as resources for Advent 2004, Lent 2005, and other vestry and parish resources.

This catalog does not fully replace the Books or Pamphlets catalogs from 2003, as it not a complete listing of resources; rather it provides highlights of what we offer. A complete catalog is planned for January 2005.

To receive a copy of this new mini catalog, send an email to, with "Catalog" in the Subject line. Include the mailing address to which you would like the catalog sent. There is no charge to receive a catalog.

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Since the creation of Forward Movement in 1934, we have rarely asked much more of our readers than to share and enjoy our various resources. And despite our official connection to the national church, Forward Movement receives no funding from the Episcopal Church. As a non-profit agency, we subsist solely on what we receive from our various sales of Forward Day by Day, pamphlets, booklets, books, and contributions from our readers.

Now, as we look forward to the opportunity of bringing you even more while further expanding our reach to others, we look to the generosity of our committed and gracious readers and supporters. As we further our ministry of aiding Episcopalians in finding, exploring, enhancing, and maintaining our calling as people of God and Disciple's of Christ in today's world, we ask you to consider offering a gift to The Forward Fund - the campaign that means A New Day for Forward Movement.

For more details about The Forward Fund, simply click on the graphic toward the top on the right side of this page or just go to A New Day: The Forward Fund. And if you still want more information, contact us by phone at 1-800-543-1813, email at, or mail at:
The Forward Fund
Forward Movement
412 Sycamore Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202

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The Reverend Alanson B. Houghton's compilation of prose and verse on death is a powerful, hope-filled book centered on the resurrection faith. Houghton writes from personal experience, as well as a lifetime of pastoral, priestly ministry in the Church. He lovingly incorporates Scripture passages and prayers ancient and modern to bring hope in times of grief to those who mourn.

104 pages - hardcover

Check it out: A Letter Never Sent

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Forward Movement reissues a classic. First published in 1887 under the title "Love - the Supreme Gift," Henry Drummond's The Greatest Thing in the World has become one of the all-time classic expositions of the Christian faith. Still widely read, re-read, and given to countless seekers of faith, Drummond's accessible message of a simple, yet profound, understanding of the faith has served as a touchstone for millions around the world.

Check it out: The Greatest Thing in the World

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Besides our newest books, be sure to check out these other recent titles:


John Walker - A Man for the 21st Century

Calendar of Saints

Christian Wholeness

Meditating on Four Quartets

The Preaching of the Passion: The Seven Last Words from the Cross

Smoke & Mirrors: The Magical World of Chemical Dependency


Prayers for After Diagnosis

Life, While Waiting for Test Results

De-Cluttering As a Spiritual Activity

Fasting: Some Questions & Answers

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The Package: a convenient, cost-effective way to get an overview of Forward Movement's resources for the various ministries of our church and personal needs of our faithful.

The advantage of a package is that it provides you with a sampling of related materials at a reduced cost. This makes it easy to see what Forward Movement offers for specific areas. Then the materials you find to be most helpful can be ordered individually (we offer reduced prices for bulk orders). We have 25 different packages, providing either a general overview or aimed at a specific topic.

Check out our packages at: Forward Movement Packages

The Collection: a convenient, cost-effective way to get a complete gathering of current titles in a series or by a specific author.

Collections are ideal for group study, as they provide in-depth examination of related topics. We offer 6 different collections of series and 1 collection of an author's complete work.

Check out our collections at: Forward Movement Collections

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The new titles subscription is an essential, invaluable resource for:

-Church Libraries-
-Christian Education, Sunday School, and Youth Leaders-
-Any person of faith-

It is the best way to receive all of our new titles first - and at a significant discount. Sent four times a year - spring, summer, fall, winter - it includes one copy of each new book, booklet, and pamphlet published by Forward Movement.
Price: $45.00 per year (includes $5.00 shipping) An over $100 value.
New Titles Subscription - $45.00

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Forward Movement offers a wide variety of materials helpful to the ministry of the vestry. Partnering with Cornerstone, we have a series of Vestry Resource Guides that provide in-depth examinations of the repsonsibilities and issues dealt with daily by vestries. We also offer a number of packages that bring together related items on different topics of interest to vestries.

To view our complete listing of Vestry Items, go to Vestry Resources.

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Dear God of Love, be present in all our preparations for the Christ Child's coming.

May it be your love which prompts all that we do--our wrapping of gifts, sending cards, writing checks, baking cookies, and decorating our homes.

Keep us mindful that the real Christmas message is that of love becoming incarnate in a little baby as He lay helpless in a manger. His love for us and ours for Him is at the very heart of Christmas. May this awareness be uppermost in our minds, keeping us humble, joyful, and grateful. Amen.

(This prayer opens our booklet of Advent meditations, Advent Adventure.)

John Walker - A Man for the 21st Century

Robert Harrison

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