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    Children's Hopes and Dreams Foundation
Rotating Star      ...enables you to bring joy directly to children suffering with all serious childhood illnesses and disabilities.
Bid now on our ongoing Autographed Celebrity Memorabilia Auction on eBay Phone: (973) 361-7366   Fax: (908) 459-9399
New items coming in continuously!  
 Click on the yo-yo to donate your products or collectibles. 
NoahClick here to read about Noah's story

Your gift helps:

  • Fulfill last 'dreams'
  • Match special Pen-Pal friends
  • Send 'Kids Kare' packages

child with Arnold SchwartzeneggerChildren's Hopes & Dreams has been serving children with serious childhood illnesses since 1983. We are one of the oldest wish fulfillment organizations in the world. Our programs serve over 14,000 seriously ill children each year. Donors receive quarterly newsletters which allow them to 'see' the importance of our work through letters from the children and their parents.

Children we serve suffer with illnesses such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, AIDS, Hodgkin's disease, leukemia, muscular dystrophy, and sickle cell, to name only a few.

child with puppy

We cooperate with organizations such as the American Cancer Society, serious illness camps, Ronald McDonald Houses, children's hospitals nationwide, Leukemia Society, Muscular Dystrophy Association, and many more.

Children's dreams have included: meetings with celebrities such as Michael J. Fox, Robin Williams, Neil Diamond, Arnold Schwartzenegger, Reba McEntire, and many others; computers, visiting favorite relatives, puppies, Disney World trips, shopping sprees, etc.

Children's Hopes & Dreams is a registered 501(c)(3) non profit organization. Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Donations can be made through workplace charitable campaigns including the Combined Federal Campaign, United Way Campaigns, state employee charitable campaigns, etc. by designating your gift to Children's Hopes & Dreams.

Gifts may be mailed to our office at 280 Rt. 46, Dover, NJ 07801. Or by credit card using the Give Button on this web site page. Donations can be made 'in honor of' or 'in memory of' special friends or loved ones. Remembering the ill children in a will or insurance policy will leave a beautiful legacy.

Now Accepting Your Gifts Over The Internet! Click the Give Button to make a donation. Click here to donate your new or used vehicle.
Give Button  car graphic

Thank you for caring and for putting that caring into action for children who suffer with serious childhood illnesses. We must help them today, because they have no promise of tomorrow.

Phone: (973) 361-7366

Fax: (908) 459-9399

© 2003, Children's Hopes & Dreams - Wish Fulfillment Foundation. All rights reserved.
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