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Consumer Health Library Directory

A National Directory Project of CAPHIS

This database contains information about CAPHIS member libraries around the United States and the world. We hope this will be useful to you in locating a consumer health library in your state. As of July, 2002, there are over 200 libraries in the database.
There are two search forms:
  • For Consumers and Librarians
    Search by state, subjects, or keywords
  • For Librarians
    Search for lists of comparative library management information

  • How to search!
    This is a very small database! If you check too many boxes or use too many words, you will retrieve nothing. Use the "Clear Form" button before you search again.

    By checking "Consumer Information," you will see information about the collection and services of the libraries you find. If there are no consumer libraries listed from your area, contact the National Network of Libraries of Medicine for information about libraries that serve the public in your geographic area (1-800-338-7657). Link here for an explanation of how hospital and smaller medical libraries serve the public. Another recommended directoryto f
    ind a library that can help you with health information: The Member Directory of the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.


    When searching by subject or key word, check "Management Information" to see detailed information returned from the database. Click here to see library management comparative lists in a question and answer format. These can be used for informal benchmarking.

    To allow the database to grow, please consider sending in your library's data! Use this form ADD YOUR LIBRARY and participate today. Follow the directions for filling it out, ONLINE!

    Link here to UPDATE your data (password required).



    Consumer Health WebSite Spotlight

    NOAH: New York Online Access to Health

    NOAH: New York Online Access to Health is a unique collection of state, local and federal resources selected by editors with consumers in mind. Searchers may select from a list of Health Topics which are then narrowed to include definitions, care and treatment, and lists of information resources. Many bilingual resources. Includes a Spanish list of resources.

    Consumer Health Library Directory Navigation:
    -- Directory Introduction -- Subject Search --Library Management Information Lists



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    Home About CAPHISManaging a CHISContact UsFor Health Consumers
    CAPHIS , the Consumer and Patient Health Information Section, is a section of the Medical Library Association, an association of health information professionals with more than 5,000 individual and institution members. MLA fosters excellence in the professional achievement and leadership of health sciences library and information professionals to enhance the quality of health care, education, and research.
    Page last modified: Tuesday, October 21, 2003, 13:53 CST
    2001 Copyright CAPHIS