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Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company understands that a physical disability doesn't mean that life can't be rewarding. In fact, for many thousands of Ford Motor Company customers, Mobility Motoring has meant that their lives can also be easier and more fulfilling!

Mobility Motoring offers Cash Assistance of up to $1,000 for the installation of adaptive equipment, and up to $200 on alerting devices, on new Ford Motor Company vehicle purchases or leases. The program also offers comprehensive Roadside Assistance. In this site you can also request a Mobility Motoring Video, learn about the Mobility Motoring Process, hear What Mobility Motoring Customers Say about the freedom and independence that their adapted vehicle provides them. Or, you can get started toward your cash assistance right away by contacting the Mobility Motoring Response Center.

The Exceptional Parent Resource Guide

The Exceptional Parent 2004 Resource Guide

This year’s guide, the largest ever, contains over 200 pages of information including:
  • Comprehensive Listing of National Resources for Specific Disabilities
  • Listing of State Special Education Directors
  • Parent Support Programs
  • Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
  • Alliance for Technology Access Centers and State Assistive Technology Programs
  • Federal and Federally Funded Information Resources
  • Mental Health Resources
  • Canadian Resources
  • Articles on Autism, ADD/ADHD, Incontinence, and Powerwheelchairs....
  • EPLibrary a comprehensive listing of new and ever popular editions of special need books and videos.

Plus much, much more!

Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to get the “bible” for the disability community which is available year round at Barnes and Noble, through the Exceptional Parent library, and of course as part of a yearly subscription to Exceptional Parent!

Use the button below to purchase this valuable resource for only $19.95 which includes FREE SHIPPING.

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Buy EP Resource Guide

Get your child out to play! At Snug Seat our goal is to provide quality, innovative products that give all children the opportunity to live life to the fullest. We offer a variety of products including Car Seats, Strollers, Gait Trainers, Shower Chairs and Wheelchairs. Visit or call 1-800-336-7684 for a free pediatric catalog or free CD-ROM catalog . Snug Seat, the #1 supplier of pediatric rehab equipment.


GoodNites� disposable absorbent underpants
Kimberly Clark Corporation

It can be difficult for someone to look or feel independent when they are wearing an absorbent product that looks like a diaper.  And it can be just as difficult if the product does not offer adequate protection.  That's why GoodNites disposable absorbent underpants can help.

GoodNites absorbent underpants can be pulled on and off just like underwear.  And because they have a thin, absorbent pad and leak-guards, they help protect against leaks.  They come in three sizes to fit children 45 to 125 lbs. GoodNites underpants can be worn day and night, and might just give your child a little more independence. GoodNites.  For Better Days.

To receive your free video containing information about the conditions we treat with hyperbaric oxygenation click here.

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Never Pay Retail for Medical Equipment. AMERICAN DISCOUNT MEDICAL is dedicated to providing a vast array of medical products at substantial savings. We deliver medical products, with no shipping or handling, from over 500 different companies to your door. All products are in a factory-sealed carton and have the manufacturer's full warranty. Call for a free brochure: (800) 877-9100 -

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