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Let's Face It USA is a nonprofit network that links people with facial disfigurement and all who care for them to resources that can enrich their lives.


  • News and Updates - This page contains information on upcoming conferences, recent updates, the newest resources added to our site, and address changes. Please check back often!.
  • Resources for Various Conditions - This page contains information and support resources for the many aspects of facial disfigurement. There is also a special section specifically for siblings and fathers.
  • Resources for Specific Conditions - This page contains organizations and information and support resources grouped by conditions (i.e., cleft palate, crouzon syndrome, moebius syndrome, cancer, etc.).
  • Parent and Educator Resources - This page contains a wealth of information for parents and educators. There are special sections dedicated to building self-esteem, resources for teenagers, hospital stays, teaching about difference, etc.
    • Books, Videos, Newsletters, Etc.
    • Building Self-Esteem
    • Teen-Specific Resources
    • Hospital/Doctor Visits
    • Understanding and Combating Teasing
    • Entertainers Who Inspire and Enrich
  • Facial Surgery and Recovery Resources - This page contains support and information resources for pain control, eating, prosthetics, and legal resources.

Send Us A Note

To send us a note with your questions or comments
via e-mail, simply click on the link below:

Let's Face It publishes the Resource List bi-yearly.

For your free copy of the 2003-2005 edition, please send a 9"x12" self-addressed, stamped envelope ($1.85 postage) and a note telling us about yourself to the following address:

Let's Face It
P.O. Box 29972
Bellingham, WA 98228-1972

For the cost of UPS mailing, we can send your institution as many copies as you would like.

To support a person with facial difference, look them in the eyes and smile at them.