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Tell YouTube Ads
to Fuck Off

Free Chrome extension changes 'Skip ads' to 'Fuck Off' on YouTube.

F*ckOff - Tell YouTube ads to f*ck off | Product Hunt

YouTube ads are out of control

YouTube is infested with infuriating ads.

Ever find yourself counting down the seconds until 'Skip Ad' appears on the screen?

 in my garage youtube ad fuck off magically changes 'Skip Ads' to 'Fuck Off'

skip ads magic trick gif
Skip ad fuck off

It doesn't block ads but it might make you feel better about them

YouTube ads getting you down?

Want to tell them to Fuck Off?

This simple Chrome extension changes 'Skip ads' to 'Fuck Off' on YouTube

  • Install the Chrome Extension (takes 2mins)

  • Click the 'Fuck Off' button

  • That's it. Ad fucks off

Free download from the Chrome WebStore

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does this do? It replaces the text 'skip ads' with 'Fuck Off'. That's it
How to Install it? You can install it from the Chrome webstore here
How to contact you? Please contact me via the widget in the bottom right
I've got an ad-blocker. Why do I need this? Even with an ad-blocker you can still see the annoying 'skip ads' text on YouTube.

But frankly nobody needs this.
Who made this? I previously made viral apps and TwikTwok. You can also check out my my website.

Thanks to super maker Fajar Siddiq for designing the logo and giving design advice and feedback. You can follow him on Twitter or check out his website.
Do you collect data? No, this extension doesn't snoop, analyse or track you. I use Simple Analytics on this website but that's it. Sign up for Simple Analytics here (This is an affiliate link)

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Hi, I'm Matt. I previously made viral apps TwikTwok (called "oddly soothing" by Vice) and ("Product of the year"- Ryan Hoover).

I'm working on some new and exciting stuff. Join the mailing list to see it before anyone else:

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