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What about CSS? Progressive Enhancement & CSS

What about CSS? Progressive Enhancement & CSS

Fronteers Conference 2016

Ire Aderinokun

October 06, 2016

More Decks by Ire Aderinokun

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  1. Ire

  2. Rey

  3. The practice of building your web functionality so that it

    provides a certain level of user experience in more modern browsers, but it will also degrade gracefully to a lower level of user experience in older browsers.
  4. HTML <noscript> Your browser sucks so this feature won’t work

    for you. Go download Chrome. </noscript>
  5. The Problems with Graceful Degradation • “Doesn’t straddle technology inflection

    points well” • “Many designers don’t test anything but one version back” • “Does not address different needs of different audiences” • “It’s expensive to retrofit to new alternate devices” • “Whatever is ‘good enough’ usually rules”
  6. “ Web design must mature and accept the developments of

    the past several years ” — Stephen Champeon
  7. “ The goal of Web design is not merely to

    dazzle, but to deliver information to the widest audience ” — Stephen Champeon
  8. HTML <header class="site-header"> <h1 class="site-title">Clinics 'R Us</h1> <p class="site-tagline">Find a

    clinic near you</p> </header> <main class="site-main"> <form class="search-clinics-form"> <label for="location">Where are you?</label> <input type="text" id="location" name="location" placeholder="Enter your postcode, e.g. W1 234”> <button type=“submit">Search</button> <span>or <a href="location.html" class="use- location">use current location</a></span> </form> </main> <footer class="site-footer"> ... </footer>
  9. More Browsers 7% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 14% 50% (other)
  10. What can go Wrong? • JavaScript is not enabled in

    the browser • The browser does not support a particular JavaScript feature
  11. JS if ( ‘serviceWorker’ in navigator ) { // Do

    stuff with service worker } Detect Feature Support
  12. What can go Wrong? • The browser does not understand

    the semantic meaning of an HTML element tag
  13. Why is this a problem? • Unlike JavaScript, we can’t

    prepare for unsupported features • Unlike HTML, there is no “built-in” fallback
  14. body { display: flex; } header { order: 1; }

    nav { order: 2; } main { order: 3; } footer { order: 4; } CSS <body> <footer></footer> <nav></nav> <header></header> <main></main> </body> HTML Don’t Do This!
  15. CSS div { /* Legacy styles before */ background-color: #c00;

    /* Modern styles after */ background-image: linear-gradient(#f00, #a00); }
  16. CSS /* Will work on any screen size */ .foo

    { width: 100%; } @media (min-width: 960px) { /* Will only work on larger screen sizes */ .foo { width: 600px; } }
  17. CSS .center-children { text-align: center; /* Will be overridden if

    Flexbox is supported */ display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; /* Flex Styles */ display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; }
  18. JS if ('querySelector' in document && 'localStorage' in window &&

    'addEventListener' in window) { // Bootstrap with latest features }
  19. CSS Feature Queries allow authors to condition rules based on

    whether particular property declarations are supported by the current browser
  20. CSS @supports ( display: flex ) { .foo { display:

    flex; } } Detect if a feature is supported
  21. CSS @supports ( (font-kerning: normal) and (font-feature-settings: "kern" 1) )

    { .foo { font-kerning: normal; font-feature-settings: "kern" 1; } } Detect if all of several features are supported
  22. CSS @supports ( (tranform: translate(-50%, -50%)) or (-webkit-tranform: translate(-50%, -50%))

    ) { .foo { -webkit-tranform: translate(-50%, -50%); tranform: translate(-50%, -50%); } } Detect if either of several features are supported
  23. CSS @supports not ( display: flex ) { .foo {

    display: table; } } Detect if a feature is not supported
  24. 4 Scenarios Supports Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries

    Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature
  25. Supports Feature Queries & Supports CSS Feature Supports Feature Queries

    Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature
  26. Supports Feature Queries & Does Not Support CSS Feature Supports

    Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature
  27. Does Not Support Feature Queries & Does Not Support CSS

    Feature Supports Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature
  28. Does Not Support Feature Queries & Supports CSS Feature Supports

    Feature Queries Does Not Support Feature Queries Supports CSS Feature Does Not Support CSS Feature
  29. CSS /* Fallback Code Above */ img { width: 100%;

    } /* Enhancement After */ @supports ( object-fit: cover ) { img { object-fit: cover; } }