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Easily build flexible, responsive layouts—without writing code. Only in Webflow.

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What’s flexbox?

It’s a powerful layout mechanism that lets you solve common responsive web design problems with ease. And with Webflow, you can do it all in 2 simple interfaces.

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1. Flex parent settings

Just set a parent element to display: flex, then define alignment, wrap child elements into rows, or reverse the layout.

2. Flex child settings

Then give the child elements their own resizing behavior, alignment options, and even device-specific display order.

What you can do with flexbox

Flexbox can help you solve some seriously tough layout problems—like those below—in seconds.

Split-screen layout

Create a split-screen layout in seconds — without using any grid systems.

See how to build a split-screen layout
1. Make a flex container

Make a flexbox container by adding a div block or section and setting it to Display: Flex.

By default, the layout direction will be horizontal and children will stretch vertically—perfect for this layout.

The parent wrapper is a flex container with horizontal layout.
2. Apply flex sizing to 2 divs to split the screen

Add 2 div blocks to the flexbox container and give them the same class.

Set Sizing: Expand on both divs to make them evenly fill their parent's widths.

Both children have their Sizing set to "Expand".

Crowdsource gen-z gamification

Term-sheet responsive web design accelerator ramen low hanging fruit prototype buzz startup direct mailing rockstar venture. Agile development validation partnership A/B testing ramen creative value proposition.

Twitter influencer user experience investor entrepreneur iPad conversion partner network business-to-consumer client crowdsource. Focus gamification sales buyer.

Hero cover

Create a fullscreen hero cover page.

See how to create a hero cover
1. Make a vertical flex container

For this example, we'll need a vertical flexbox container.

Create a flex container and apply Direction: Columnto lay out all nested children vertically.

Note: in a real-world example the container needs Height: 100vh to fill the browser window's full height.

The parent wrapper is a flex container with vertical layout.
2. Apply alignment on main content element

Add 2 elements inside the flexbox container: a main content element, and a footer.

Apply Sizing: Expand to the main content element to make it span the vertical axis.

The main content element has Sizing set to "Expand".

Set the main content element to Display: Flex and apply Direction: Column so that the child elements stack on top of each other.

To center align the children, set Justify: Center and Align Items: Center.

The main content element is a flex container with centered alignment.

Prototype Rockstar

Fluid grid

Easily create a gracefully reflowing grid.

See how to build a fluid grid
1. Make a flex container and set it to “Wrap Children”

By default, child elements in a flex container will try to fit on one line, even if their width exceeds the parent element's.

To fix that, just click the "Wrap Children" checkbox.

The parent flex container has a "Wrap Children" setting.
2. Apply variable width values to inner elements

Nest as many elements as you need and give them all the same class.

Then give them all Width: 33.33% to create a multi-line grid of 3 elements in a row.

All inner elements have 33.33% width.

To make the first element twice as wide, just add a combo class with Width: 66.66%.

The first element has 66.66% width.

Pitch Infrastructure

Founders alpha direct mailing first mover advantage. Ramen graphical user interface paradigm shift pitch pivot launch party stock infographic. Investor equity pitch user experience partner network venture buzz niche market partnership crowdsource success supply chain.

Accelerator partnership

Founders alpha direct mailing first mover advantage. Ramen graphical user interface paradigm shift pitch pivot launch party stock infographic.

Prototype rockstar

Founders alpha direct mailing first mover advantage. Ramen graphical user interface paradigm shift pitch pivot launch party stock infographic.

Social media accelerator

Founders alpha direct mailing first mover advantage. Ramen graphical user interface paradigm shift pitch pivot launch party stock infographic.

Virality stealth

Founders alpha direct mailing first mover advantage. Ramen graphical user interface paradigm shift pitch pivot launch party stock infographic.

Holy grail

Create a fully responsive layout with a header, footer, and a 3-column body.

See how to make your own holy grail
1. Make a vertical flex container

This layout works similarly to the "Sticky Footer" layout, but has another flex container nested in the middle section.

Create a flex container and apply Direction: Column so elements inside stack vertically.

Note: in a real-world example, the container needs Min Height: 100vh to fill the browser window's full height.

The high-level flex container has vertical layout.
2. Nest a horizontal flex container in the middle section

Add 3 elements inside the flexbox container: a header, a middle section, and a footer.

Apply Sizing: Expand to the middle section to push the footer to bottom of the page.

The middle section has Sizing set to "Expand".

Add another flex container with 3 children inside the middle section.

Apply Width: 20% to the sidebar elements and Sizing: Expand to the main content area.

The nested flex container has horizontal layout.
Prototype rockstar

Churn rate non-disclosure agreement buyer focus ecosystem iPad. Release venture crowdsource burn rate facebook paradigm shift supply chain prototype responsive web design partnership deployment. Innovator crowdsource holy grail advisor.

Vertical centering

Vertically center content in a section—or the browser window—with a couple clicks.

See how to center vertically
Set horizontal and vertical alignment to Center

Create a flex container and apply Direction: Column.

To align children to be in the center of the flex container, apply Justify: Center and Align Items: Center.

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Equal-height elements

Keep your card designs vertically aligned, no matter how long or short the content gets.

See how to create equal-height elements
Stretch items vertically

Create a flex container with horizontal layout.

Then just set Align Items: Stretch.

Social media accelerator.

Churn rate non-disclosure agreement buyer focus ecosystem iPad.

Bandwidth responsive web design.

Twitter stock equity vesting period learning curve launch party pitch innovator series A financing churn rate handshake. 

Marketing iPad angel investor.

Funding influencer partner network metrics bandwidth leverage traction buzz virality.

Collection grid

Highlight one image within a beautiful grid.

See how to make a collection grid
1. Create a flex grid with 2 cells

Create a horizontal flex container with default alignment settings.

Add 2 elements with Sizing: Expand to create an equal-sized grid. This creates the area containing the graphics.

2. Nest another grid with 4 cells

Add another grid with 4 cells inside the 2nd cell and apply Wrap Children.

Nested grid with Wrap Children setting.

To stack the nested grid cells, click the gear icon and apply Flex-basis: 50%.

Grid cells with 50% flex size.

Low-hanging fruit

Release venture crowdsource burn rate facebook paradigm shift supply chain prototype responsive web design partnership deployment. Innovator crowdsource holy grail advisor.

Feature lists

Easily build all the most common layouts for feature lists.

See how to design feature lists
1. Create a flex container

For a horizontal feature list, create a horizontal flex container with default alignment settings.

For a vertical list, create a vertical flex container with the settings shown.

2. Apply flex sizing to feature elements

Add elements for each feature and apply Sizing: Expand.

Nest another flex container with horizontal or vertical layout inside each feature element.

Settings for each feature element.

To make a staggered list, add a combo class to sibling features and apply Reverse Layout to switch their direction.

Settings for reversed horizontal features.

Social proof

Responsive web design user experience business model canvas advisor direct mailing success strategy termsheet.

Freemium shift

Mass market influencer return on investment founders responsive web design customer creative business plan.

Virality stealth

Virality startup equity validation interaction design accelerator crowdsource infrastructure backing traction.

Social proof

Responsive web design user experience business model canvas advisor direct mailing success strategy termsheet.

Freemium shift

Mass market influencer return on investment founders responsive web design customer creative business plan.

Virality stealth

Virality startup equity validation interaction design accelerator crowdsource infrastructure backing traction.

Social proof

Responsive web design user experience business model canvas advisor direct mailing success strategy termsheet.

Freemium shift

Mass market influencer return on investment founders responsive web design customer creative business plan.

Pricing tables

Easily build clear and easy-to-read pricing tables. Without tables.

See how to build a pricing table
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1. Create a flex container with vertical centering

Create a horizontal flex container and apply Align Items: Center.

2. Apply flex sizing to flex elements

Add elements inside the flex container and set Sizing: Expand.

Add padding to each element. To emphasize the center element, add a combo class and give it a higher top and bottom padding value—all elements will remain vertically centered.

Settings for each flex element.


Buzz mass market

Social proof ecosystem

Stealth accelerator

Metrics holy grail




Buzz mass market

Social proof ecosystem

Stealth accelerator

Metrics holy grail



Buzz mass market

Social proof ecosystem

Stealth accelerator

Metrics holy grail


Simple flexible grids

Easily create a responsive grid to guide your designs.

See how to build your own grids
1. Create a flex grid container

Create a horizontal flex container with default alignment settings.

Give the parent flex container a negative left and right margins that are the same value as the left and right padding inside of the grid cells to create a consistent gutter.

2. Create grid cells and apply flex sizing

Add as many div blocks as you need. Give them the same class and apply a left and right padding thats the non-negative value of the parent's left and right margin. 

For a equally sized grid cells, apply Sizing: Expand

Auto-sized grid cells.

Or combine auto-sized cells with percentage-based cells.

To have a grid cell that will always be half of width of its parent, click the gear icon and set Flex-basis: 50%.

Grid cells with %-based flex size.

Want to learn more about Flexbox

Check out more Flexbox documentation and tutorials on our Help Center.

Don't forget to check out our Flexbox Game!

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